SOUTHPORT UNITING CHURCH Let’s Pray Together September 2019
Please pray for: Pakistani Family, Barbara C, Labrador Gardens, Margaret S, Rev. Anne W, Jeanette H, Liam (9 years old Leukaemia), Lynette S, John N, Liz McC, Betty F, Diana S, Thelma A, Bruce B, All our friends in Nursing Homes, Billie S.
Sun 1 As we come forward for Communion let us refresh and envisage the Living Christ standing lovingly before us; Greeting us personally and inviting each, to individually share a meal with HIM as HIS special guest. Receive all that is offered. Amen
Mon 2 We give Thanks for the ‘paper trails’, phone calls, and all things Admin Lord. Bless the Church office space with your Glory and cover Cassandra and all volunteers with Your heart’s desire to serve with gladness. Amen
Tues 3 We Thank you Lord for the creations, fellowship and leadership of the 4C’s. We pray that every devotion shared over the years will germinate and blossom into full bloom. Let the seeds sprout dear God and colour our environment for all to see Your handywork . In the name of Christ, Amen
Wed 4 Wow the Wednesday Worshippers with a peace that is beyond understanding Yahweh we pray. Hold this small community close to your bosom dear Lord and whisper Your great love for each of them into their precious hearts. Amen
Thurs 5 ‘Thy will be done at SUC as in Heaven’ each Thursday Lord as The Community Breakfast is served. Empower the Team to leave ‘heart prints’ with each visitor as trust and relationships are built in the community. In all things give Thanks. Amen
Fri 6 Let the little children come says The Lord….This month watch and learn from the little children around us. What is it that Jesus meant when HE said ‘The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these’….perhaps visit Mainly Music or Café Church and see. Imagine, wonder and create this month, just for fun.
Sat 7 We give Thanks for the commitment, faithfulness and gifts the Presbyteries so willingly share with one another, for the betterment of Your Kingdom Loving God. O Lord anoint each member anew, so the focus forever remains on YOU. In You we trust Amen
Sun 8 Let the river of life flow into Café Church O God. Let the living water touch each one in order that the great ‘thirst comes’….the thirst that only Jesus the Living Christ can quench. Bless all Amen
Mon 9 We pray Your Light shines in every nook and cranny Lord God, so the Executive Team are able to see clearly Your Way forward. Ignite this diligent team with power packed wisdom to do Thy Will in SUC, to secure the future of Your Church Almighty Creator. In the name of Jesus Amen
Tues 10 Lord we pray You continue to cheer CROSSROADS on and ask that you open, even further, Your loving heart, so as to pour Your blessings, encouragement and appreciation on this dedicated group of people. In praise we say Thank you Almighty God. Amen
Weds 11 Bathe the Prayer(ers) in Your Majesty Lord God and fill them with the spirit of boldness as they intercede for others. Reveal to them Lord, in an amazing way, the POWER of their combined prayers. Delight them with a glimpse of prayer reality as it journeys from Earth to Heaven we pray. Holy, holy, holy is Your Name Jesus. Amen
Thurs 12 Heavenly Father we pray that any Visitors to YOUR Church will be touched in a very special and personal way by You. Reach into the confines of their hearts and minds to meet their immediate needs Father and bless them with your amazing unexpectedness. Woo them we pray Amen
Fri 13 As the sweet melody of Jesus touches the lives of many at Mainly Music, ponder how many countries will taste the flavour of our beloved Lord through this Ministry this month. Thank you.
Sat 14 This month let us rejoice for all the Unseen and unknown volunteers who have been and those who remain among us. Yahweh we pray that Your reward is lavishly given and ask that YOU gaze upon them with absolute blessedness. Amen
Sun 15 We praise you Almighty God for Rev. Ian as he feeds and nourishes our souls through proclaiming Your Word O God. We pray that he is continually encouraged, empowered and supported as he paves the way for the new ministry Agent. Let us all REJOICE for the old has passed away and the new has come. Holy Spirit fall afresh on us we pray in the Glorious Name of Jesus. Amen
Mon 16 Keep to the fore of each Elders mind Lord to support the Minister, to lift each other up and to hold each other accountable. O Lord God we pray that we will be conscious of Your guidance and trust Your Lead. Amen
Tues 17 A big encouraging ‘shout out’ prayer to the Property Committee, who maintain the upkeep of our premises and for the many often unseen tasks undertaken, so we are able to worship in a safe and pleasant environment. Thank you
Weds 18 Thank you for Uniting friends Lord as they share, care and eat together weekly. Enhance these friendships Lord, and we pray for new members, new ideas and Your Presence to be a beacon for the lonely. Amen
Thurs 19 Remind us of Your Grace precious Lord so that we will see Your likeness in the ‘homeless’ community. Give us the compassion to embrace them as our neighbours and we pray that YOU, Lord, will unleash the divine potential within each one and set them free precious Lord. Amen
Fri 20 Almighty God we give Thanks for the sound and data volunteers as they sacrifice their needs to serve others during the services. Lord let it be known to them, that YOU appreciate their service, as does the Congregation. Amen
Sat 21 We thank you All Compassionate God for the hearts of the Pastoral Carers in Your Church and beyond. Teach us to be bold with Your Word, heed Your Promises and to quietly listen to Your Whispers for direction in this ministry. Pave the way Lord we pray. Amen
Sun 22 Heavenly Father we ask for your mercy to shower those who may be fretful or ill at ease in the Congregation. Drape your absolute Goodness over all, and draw each one close so they hear you say “You are mine, you belong to me”. Give Your Blessed Assurance O Great Redeemer that You can truly be TRUSTED in ALL circumstances. In Gratitude we pray. Amen
Mon 23 We give thanks as we express our prayerful appreciation of our Church Treasurer Bryan, (Bruce & Laurel) for the years of confidentiality, faithfulness, concern and dedication for the accountability of SUC monies each week. Amen
Tues 24 May loving kindness continue to radiate out from the Nurture Groups. We pray that these groups are protected by Your Heavenly hosts and that they are filled with wonder and excitement as they delve deeper into Your Word Lord. Give them an insatiable hunger for more. Amen
Weds 25 Father God, we pray that Your Church will think about these things day and night: Whatever is True, whatever is honourable, just, pure, lovely, whatever is commendable, excellent and anything worthy of praise. Amen
Thurs 26 Bless the hands, feet and hearts of our Chaplains dear God as they tend to the many in need. We ask for a refreshing of Godly wisdom, Christlike compassion and the comfort of The Holy Spirit as they minister in this vulnerable landscape. In the name of Jesus we Thank You.
Fri 27 With sincere hearts we celebrate the joy Cheree brings and the gifts she so willingly shares with SUC Children’s ministry. Father God please encourage creativity, beauty and absolute joy in this ministry …..let Southport streets be filled with children’s laughter and allow a new hope to be born in our community. Praise Your name Jesus. Amen
Sat 28 Heavenly Father we pray that you set the scene for the monthly Movie Nights. Fill the chosen movies with personal revelation and wonder. Reveal new perspectives and imaginings which continue well after the movie has ended. Shine You Brilliance we pray. Amen
Sun 29 O Great Redeemer, we pray that you will meet Ps Marty, Jill & the 4pm Leadership team where they are, to take them where You want them to go. Give them Your vision Lord so they rise on eagles’ wings for Your Glory. In the Name of the Living Christ we pray. Amen
Mon 30 Blessed are the tea/coffee makers. This month express gratitude for the CREWS who serve you with food and beverage after each service to encourage fellowship. Thank you.