Southport Uniting Church Let’s Pray Together Feb 2019
“Connecting with the Heart….. of God, Congregation & Community”
Please pray daily for: Pakistani Family, Barbara C Labrador Gardens, Rev. Dona, Gladys P, Margaret S, Rev. Anne W, Jill M, Thelma B, Jeanette H, Liam (9yrs old Leukaemia), Lynette S, Helen, All our Friends in Nursing Homes.
1st On this first day of Feb, pray for your family, neighbours & friends. Give thanks for blessings to each one and to our community as you bring needs to God’s throne of grace. Pray in the name of Jesus. Amen
2nd We pray for Pastor Noah Kim & the Paradise Point Uniting church as Pastor Kim is inducted there today. Pray for other Uniting Churches on the Gold Coast and their congregations. Amen
3rd At worship today we give thanks for God’s direction, provision & blessings to our church in the past and present. Come to him in confession seeking forgiveness for your failings & seek renewal in Jesus Christ.
4th We bring in prayer our ministers Pastor Jon & Rev Ian, together with our church leaders, remembering also to pray for our Korean congregation, their leaders & families. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
5th Loving Father God, we pray in faith for our Crossroads members, their families & the enablers & musicians who will share together at Crossroads gatherings through this year. Ask God to bless them all.
6th Lord Jesus, we remember the sick who need your healing, comfort & encouragement. We pray by name for those known to us….. ….and for those in our hospitals & nursing establishments. In Jesus, Amen
7th Thankyou Father God for our Nurture Groups, gathering to share & learn together this year. Pray for Pastor Jon’s Small Group meeting today as they begin their series of studies. Seek guidance & blessings.
8th Gracious God, be in the lives of our Mainly Music families & those who organize & lead in Mainly Music sessions each Friday. Lord be with them in their gatherings & in their daily lives. Thankfully, we pray, Amen
9th In quiet prayer, talking with God, bring Rev Dona & the Kenmore Uniting Church, where Rev Dona is inducted as Minister of the Word, tomorrow. We give thanks for the ministry of Rev Dona in our church.
10th Lord Jesus, hear our prayer for our many friends at S.U.C. as we pray for them & for the newer members here as we learn to share and enjoy fellowship with them. In prayer we bring our Congregational A.G.M. to be held in 1 months’ time. Lord guide & bless all who are preparing for this meeting. Amen
11th As we are thankful for the work our office staff continue to do for our church, we pray for Cassandra & Bruce as well as the volunteers who support ministry in varied roles & on rosters each day of the week.
12th As 4C’s begins today, gathering for fellowship & sharing their craft talents & ideas, we pray for a spiritual growth in each member & leader. Lord shower them all with your blessings of love & care.
13th Today our Uniting Friends Group re commences, so let us give thanks for the organizers & pray that each member will get to know Jesus more as they get to know each other.
14th As a church we thank God for our Community Breakfast team who diligently feed the disadvantaged in our community, bringing cheer, friendship & hope along with a meal.
15th Loving Jesus, our brother, Saviour & intercessor, we pray for the youth of today & especially the small group who meet together at Southport on Fridays. Spend time with God in quiet prayer for the young people of today, in general and the one’s known to you. Amen
16th Working Bee & Sausage Sizzle from 8am. Father God, be with us today as we tackle various jobs around the church to present our centre clean, safe, welcoming & full of hospitality to all who come to worship, pray & join activities here. Keep us all safe. Amen
17th Loving God, we are grateful for the work of chaplains in our schools, aged care complexes & hospitals. Father God, show us how we can support their work & encourage.
18th Gracious and Almighty God, tie us together with our community of Southport in our Ministry, that we can reach the workers, residents, students & families, for Christ. Amen
19th Lord God, you know our church finances & present & future needs. Guide us in planning & spending that we direct monies in the way you would have us go. In Jesus’ name, Amen
20th Our Wed. congregation come with thankful hearts for your blessings in their lives, so loving God, be with each one in all they do in day to day activities, in difficulties or health issues, to bless them. Amen
21st As the new school year is forging ahead we pray for the schools, children & teachers on our Gold Coast. Spend time in prayer praying for your local schools & the families who attend there from your area. Amen
22nd With joy for the elderly who have been a big part of our church of the past, we pray for those now in nursing homes that they will be cared for with compassion and given dignity with the care they are given.
23rd Thankyou loving God for the families who attend our 4pm Café Church on Sundays. We pray that they will become a continuing part of ministry within our church, to grow and foster faith in the families. Amen
24th Lord hear our prayer for our church council members who take responsibility for many aspects of ministry here at Southport Uniting. Be in our future planning as we give thanks for the past. Amen
25h Together we give thanks for the students of TAFE and the other students who come to our church. May we be welcoming to them and to all who come along seeking God and wanting friendship & a deeper faith experience. Show us how to engage them within our programmes as you lead us to meet the challenge.
26th Our Elders care for the spiritual oversight & encouragement of our congregation so we are thankful for each one. Lord enable them to dedicate themselves to the task ahead, as you bless them all richly. Amen
27th Gracious God, be with our Prayer Walkers as they pray today for our church & community. We give thanks for opportunities to meet together to pray & have a time of fellowship over a meal. In Jesus we pray.
28th Reflect on your own prayer & devotional life, as you give time to being with God, daily. Seek forgiveness for when you have failed God and be renewed that he always welcomes us back, each one of us. Lord Jesus, may I appreciate the gift of eternal life in you as you lead me in living a life of praise to you. May I always know your love is with me as I share this with those around me. In Jesus, Amen