Loving Caring “CONNECTING WITH THE HEART” Listening
Southport Uniting Church Let’s Pray Together
Thur 27 Reflection. God of goodness & mercy, let me be honest with myself as I look into
my heart, noticing times I turn away from you. Show me the way back to you. Amen.
Fri 28 Prayer. May the spirit of love & grace flow forth from all I do. May the God of all
situations & all time be among us, around & within us all. In Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
Sat 29 Confession. Lord Jesus, we pray for your blessings on all who confess belief in you, to
witness powerfully to your unselfish love & humility, through your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sun 30 Bible. “The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord. He is their strength in the
time of trouble….. because they trust in him.” Psalm37:39-40. Reflect on these words.
Mon 31 Response. Father of love, source of all blessings, enable me to catch your joy & live
in your grace. Prepare me for your kingdom – ever onwards with you to light the way.
Tues 1 Lent Event. Gracious God, you taught us to reach out to one
another, may we be generous in giving to Lent Event funds this year. Amen
Wed 2 Response. “May all who seek you, rejoice & be glad in you.” Psalm
70:4. As we share our money, may we share our faith, O God. Amen.
Thur 3 Reflection. Lord, draw me to reflect on Isaiah 64:8, that we are the
clay & God is the potter & allow him to mould me, the work of his hands.
Fri 4 Prayer. “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer.” Ps.18:2. Bring
to God your concerns for yourself & for others, praying in Jesus’ name.
Sat 5 Confession. Wondrous God, I humbly seek forgiveness for I am
human & often weak in thought, word & deed. Forgive me Lord, in Jesus.
Sun 6 Bible. “Jesus took bread, gave thanks & broke it – giving to his
disciples.” Matt.26:26. Lord, today I reflect on faith & your gift of life.
Mon 7 Response. We pray today for those in need around our area, &
around our world. Let us learn to share the light of God’s love – together.
Tues 8 Lent Event. Lord, open our eyes individually & as a church to build
up hope for those living in poverty or as refugees needing support. Amen
Wed 9 Response. Creator God, we bring to you the sick, known &
unknown, that your healing hand be upon them. Bless healing hands.
Thur 10 Reflection. Lord Jesus, we pray for the elderly. Lord bless nursing
home residents, those struggling at home & the lonely or isolated. Amen
Fri 11 Prayer. We give thanks for the discipline of prayer. Draw us closer to
you Loving God, as we pray for our family members by name……..
Sat 12 Confession. Our Father God, forgive our sins & foolishness. Re-
shape us in your love, forgiveness & renewal in your son Jesus Christ.
Sun 13. Bible. Micah 6:8. We remember God’s direction; to do justice, love
kindness & walk humbly with our God. Reflect & pray on this today. Amen
Mon 14 Response. Eternal God, Father of life, open our eyes to see the
possibilities of this day as we give you our thanks, praise & gratefulness.
Tues 15 Lent Event. Dear Father God, we ask you to bless those being
supported through our Lenten donations in developing nations. Amen
Wed 16 Response. We bring before God our area of the Gold Coast,
impacted in recent weather events. Lord hear our prayer for recovery.
Thur 17 Reflection. Ponder on Jesus’ road to Calvary – accusations,
betrayal, humiliation & abandonment. May our lives reflect appreciation.
Fri 18 Good Friday. Father God, you are life, yet you endured death in your
son, to complete the victory over darkness & sin. We bow humbly, amen.
Sat 19 Easter Sat. Let us approach God, the dark cross etched into our
minds – but searching for the light of your love, in resurrection. Amen
Sun 20. Easter Sunday. “This is the Lord for whom we have waited – let us
be glad & rejoice in his salvation.” Isaiah 25:6-9. Open your heart to him.
Mon 21 Easter Mon. Christ is Risen! May we go forward, forever changed by
the Easter blessing of forgiveness & new life in Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Tue 22 S.U.C. Today, we lift up our church; our Minister Rev Julie, Council,
Leaders, Volunteers & each one of our Congregation, loved by God.
Wed 23 U.C. in Australia. Lord, we ask a blessing on our Uniting flock
around our nation. Bless UnitingCare & all serving in our hurting world.
Thur 24 Lord, hear our prayers for our world, lacking in justice, selfish &
oppressive, thoughtless & insensitive. Lord, change us one at a time.
Fri 25 Anzac Day. Gracious God, as mates remember those lost, families
grieve loved ones & we all think of tragedy – give us peace, lest we forget.
Sat 26 “Peace be with you…. Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:21. Pray
about the peace of mind that God can give you, blessed by His Spirit.
Sun 27 Worship. “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree.” Ps. 92:12
Lord Jesus, bless the ministries outgoing from our church, as we worship
you today. Give us strength to grow our faith & live to share with others.
Mon 28 Families. We pray for the safety of children – within families, for
parents – nurturing & caring, for grandparents – in their supportive roles.
Tues 29 Community. Lord Jesus, we are each unique & a diverse
community. May we embrace differences of race, culture & religion. Amen
Wed 30 Ourselves. Lord Jesus, open our eyes to the goodness around us,
the hope within us & the joy & harmony that comes from your Son, Jesus.